Please find Risk Assist at the Google Play Store With this Link

An application to enhance the Risk board game experience.

Players will keep track of the territories before each player's turn and calculate the number of armies received.

Risk Assist will track the number of territories and automatically calculate the number of armies received at the beginning of each player's turn.

  • track the number of players and their colors
  • display the number of armies each player receives at the beginning of their turn
  • note the army bonuses for continental possession
  • indicate the number of armies received for each set of cards turned in

How to use

Set the number of users by using the "+" and "-" buttons:

Click "Ready"

1 - Shows you how many armies each player starts out with for the number of players chosen
2 - Allows you to choose the color for each player by selecting the drop-down. Note that no two players are allowed to be the same color.
3 - You can click on the banner and enter in your own name to help keep track beyond colors.
4 - Once ready, click the "Ready" button to start the game!

Using the plus and minus buttons to the right of each player, you can keep track of the territories taken in your game.

With 42 territories and five players, Risk Assist will appear as:

The number of armies each player receives, at the beginning of their turn, is listed under "Armies":

As players win/lose territories update the count using the plus/minus buttons. The territory count will change and the armies received next turn will adjust automatically (if applicable).

If a player conquers a continent, click on the scroll for that continent, and choose the player that has gained control. In the example below, Player 4 has conquered Europe and has gained a five army bonus for next turn:

When a player turns in a set of cards, they receive the current army bonus displayed. Next increment the counter and the app will display what the subsequent card set will provide:

When a player no longer has possession of any territories, a skull displays next their name to indicate they have been eliminated:

A crown will indicate when a player has won the game (they control all 42 territories).